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Below you will find instructions on how to submit your Disability or FMLA forms. If you have questions about the process, either text by clicking the bubble found on the bottom right of your webpage, or give us a call.

Steps For Form Completion

If you have questions about the process, either text us by clicking the bubble found on the bottom right of your webpage, or give us a call.

Step 1

Submit an intake form via Web or PDF.

Option 1: Submit an intake form online

Option 2: Download and submit online, mail or in-person

Step 2

Turn in your form(s) to be completed via the following options:

Please include the patient's name, date of birth, and doctor's name if submitted via email or fax

•  Email: A PDF of the form can be sent to
•  Fax: 888.972.2476 
•  Mail: MediCopy Attn: Form Completion Dept. 8 City Blvd. Suite 400, Nashville, TN 37209 
•  In-Person: Drop the blank Disability or FMLA form off at your doctor's office.

PLEASE NOTE: If you completed an online intake form you do not need to submit it again. If you printed the intake form please send it along with your blank Disability or FMLA form. 

Once we receive your form(s), here is what to expect:

Step 3

MediCopy will send you an invoice to be paid before the form(s) is completed.

There will be a charge for form completion. The form will not be completed until the invoice is paid. To quickly receive your invoice, please include your email address with your submitted form(s). 

Step 4

Once payment is received, MediCopy will complete your form(s) within three business days.

Step 5

Upon completion, forms will be sent to the designated requesting party.

You may also request a copy of the completed form to be emailed to you as well. Please note on your form(s) or the intake form that you would like a copy and provide a valid email address.