MediCopy releases health information to insurance companies, attorneys, employers, and many other third-party requesters on behalf of our healthcare partners. We understand that medical requests and forms are time-sensitive and they are handled with the utmost care, security, and efficiency.
Steps for Requesting Medical Records:
Option 1: Click here to submit requests electronically.
Option 2: Mail requests directly to MediCopy
MediCopy Services, Inc.
8 City Blvd., Suite 400
Nashville, TN 37209
If you are unable to submit a request via the above options please call MediCopy directly at 866-587-6274.
IMPORTANT: The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires a completed, patient-signed HIPAA authorization for all disclosures of PHI, with the exception of disclosures for the purpose of treatment, payment, or health care operations. If your request does not fall under this exemption, please ensure that a valid HIPAA authorization is attached to your request. If the signer of the authorization is not the patient, please also include documentation indicating that the signer is the patient's personal representative (i.e. Power of Attorney, Executor of the Estate, etc.)
Requestor Resources

As soon as your office sends a medical record request to MediCopy or one of our partnering healthcare facilities, our dedicated account managers will retrieve the requested information directly from the facility. If all records are stored in paper form, processing time may be longer. However, if the requested records are stored electronically, the request may be processed in as little as two business days.
Once all records are retrieved, the records will be quality checked, an invoice will be created, if applicable, and then the records will be released per your requested method. MediCopy offers secure electronic delivery options, including secure emails and our CarePortal in order to accommodate all requestors and expedite the process.
MediCopy CarePortal Provides:
- HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based platform securely delivering PHI to requestors
- Easy sharing of files to users both within and outside of your department or company
- Direct communication with MediCopy and your staff through secure messaging
- Elimination of the need for faxing or mailing records