AMR has partnered with MediCopy Services, an MRO company (MRO) for the release of protected health information (PHI), otherwise known as medical records. Please forward requests for AMR directly to MRO for processing. After MRO receives a completed authorization (and request letter when needed), it will be completed in 7-10 business days. Please see below for methods to request records:
Non-Patient Requestors:
In order to request medical records please upload a single PDF document named the patient name (FIRST LAST) that contains the request for records and a signed HIPAA-compliant patient authorization to this file submission page.
ATTENTION ATTORNEYS & THIRD PARTY REQUESTORS: To help us process your request and prevent any delay. Please provide a copy of the patient's government-issued ID so that we may validate the signature provided on the HIPAA authorization.
To request a copy of your medical records, you need to provide a written request. You can complete a request form we have provided by following one of the options below. If the patient is a minor, or unable to sign an authorization, the signature of an authorized legal guardian is required. Once your request is submitted, please allow two business days before calling to check the status.
For online submission:
Fill out an online request by clicking here. The request form will open in your internet browser. If you need to refer back to this page please right-click to open in a separate tab. Please note that a valid email address is required when submitting an online request and to complete the submission process, you must check your email and verify your request for medical records.
To email your request:
Please download the request form here. Once you have filled out your request in its entirety, you may securely email it directly to MediCopy at medamrmedical@mrocorp.com. Emailed authorizations require a physical signature.
To mail your request:
Please print a request form here. Once you have filled out your request in its entirety, you may mail it directly to MRO at:
8 City Blvd., Suite 400
Nashville, TN 37209
Please note that if records are being mailed, it may take a few additional days for them to arrive. If you have requested to have your records emailed to yourself or another entity, the provided email address will receive a secure, password-protected link to your records. For security purposes, this link will expire, so please be sure to check your email regularly, and always check your spam folder!