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It's almost over.... begin 2021 right.

We are coming close to the end of 2020, something most of us have been longing for since March. As we approach the new year and start the annual tradition of resolutions, consider these that members of the MediCopy team have put together! 

  1. Drink more water. We are starting off easy here. The old rule of 8 cups a day has pretty much gone out the window. To find out how much water you should be drinking click here
  2. Get enough sleep. We know it is hard with such busy schedules but your body needs sleep! In fact, Time Magazine reports recent studies to find people ages 18-64 should get between 7-9 hours each night. Set a bedtime and stick with it. Your body will thank you! 
  3. Increase your physical activity. You knew it was coming. However, this does not mean you have to go to the gym. Take small steps first; take the stairs when you can, park a little further in the parking lot than you usually would, etc. Another great way to stay on top of your exercise is to find something you actually enjoy doing. Like swimming? Swim. Biking? Go for a ride. You get the picture. Stay moving and enjoy yourself doing it! 
  4. Try meditation. sites that meditation can reduce stress, control anxiety, lengthen your attention span, lower your blood pressure, as well as other benefits! Start each day by taking a minute or two each day to just focus on your breath. Feeling the airflow through your nose, to the back of your throat, feeling your lungs expand, etc. You can also try a guided meditation. Check out the free app Insight Timer for hundreds of thousands of free sessions! 
  5. Make a vision board. This is something our CEO has been doing for years. Find images in magazines or online that remind you of your goals for the new year. Cut these out and paste them on a poster board and hang it somewhere where you will see it every day. Constant reminders of your goals can go a long way! See examples here. 
  6. Reconnect with people outside of social media. Have a friendship that has diminished? Ask that friend to a virtual cocktail hour. Have a family you’ve been meaning to connect more with? Pick up the phone and give them a call (or video call)! Relationships are some of the most valuable assets we have, don’t let them waste away.
  7. Read more. Remember - this doesn’t mean you have to read books! If you are more of an article or magazine reader, read those. You will still gain the health benefits reading provides. You can read more about those benefits here
  8. Cut back on social media. According to Forbes, studies show social media usage is addictive, triggers more sadness and less well being, and can lead to jealousy. Put down your phone, log off your computer and pay attention to the people and world around you. Let go of your #FOMO
  9. Donate time and resources. This is a MediCopy core value. Donating to others, whether it’s your time or money, actually has health benefits! states “that charitable contribution creates a response in the brain that mimics one activated by drugs and other stimuli.” It also reduces stress! So set a couple of hours of time and money each month to simply give those resources to someone in need. 
  10. Be persistent. Remember that making changes is hard. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Know that there may be days when you fail and this is okay. Wake up knowing each day is a new day!

We hope this gave you many great ideas on how to be healthier in 2021. From the team at MediCopy, have a happy holiday season and a fantastic new year!