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Core Values

Core Values: What Defines Success For Your Business?

If you could define your company or yourself in a few short phrases or sentences, what would you say? What would be those key objectives that illustrate who you are and what your company believes in? Core values should be the backbone of any company, the reason a particular company exists.

One business that has worked very hard at building and maintaining a strong set of core values is the global online shoe retailer Zappos. In 2006, Zappos sent an email out to all of its current employees asking them to define their personal core values, to critique a rough draft of core values the company directors had already created, and to think about values that definitely do not represent the company at all. Based on the responses from employees, the Zappos leaders then reworked their draft core value list and created a master set of new company core values, which have now become a model for businesses across the country. MediCopy has also worked hard to create a solid set of core values that represent our business well and also identify what we really strive to achieve for ultimate success. They are the following:

The Patient is #1

This is self-explanatory, really. And most people are probably thinking "Isn't that pretty much every business's goal?" True; however, Medi-Copy REALLY strives to keep patients extremely happy. In an industry that can seem confusing to patients, in the beginning, we work hard to make sure that they understand the process and are comfortable with us helping them. Our team will do whatever it takes to make sure the experience is smooth and pleasant from start to finish.

Always Stay Improving

There's always room for growth. Personally and professionally. Medi-Copy wants all its employees to always reach for their highest potential and keep striving to be better as you grow older. And as long as the HIM industry keeps evolving and changing, we plan on evolving and changing with it.

Innovative, Efficient + Streamlined Workflows

We want to make a positive impact on the HIM industry and be a disrupter to the old ways of releasing information. Always brainstorming, we will continue to search for ways to make the process easier, faster, and most efficient for doctors, patients, and requesting parties alike.

100% Accountability

Being a team member of Medi-Copy means taking charge of the tasks that are given to you. Once training is complete, a lot of responsibility is given to our employees. It is a big responsibility to be accountable for medical records being released properly - each Medi-Copy employee understands their importance to the company and works hard to be liable for every piece of information that is processed.

When deciding on core values for your business, you must ask yourself "What really matters to us and our business?" Do not fall victim to choosing the most generic values, but keep your company's specific goals in mind. When core values are set, they are always helpful to come back to when you need a good reminder of why you started your business in the first place.

- Allison Stejskal, Business Development Executive